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Surely you know it. You write an e-mail, select a recipient, press a button Send and that morning you realize something is wrong. You wrote something inappropriate in the message or even addressed it to someone completely different. Google has now introduced a feature in its Inbox that can take back a sent email.

If you use Gmail for your email and its the Inbox application, then you now have the option to undo the entire action after sending each email. You can use the button optionally 5, 10, 20 or 30 seconds after sending the message, then it will irretrievably appear in the recipient's inbox.

[youtube id=”yZwJ7xyHdXA” width=”620″ height=”360″]

Canceling a sent message works not only in the browser (in the regular interface or Inbox), but also in the Inbox apps on Android and iOS. The "Undo Send" button activate in settings.

Source: Cult of Mac
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