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In mid-August, I visited the iTunes store after a while. I fished in some new titles, some less, and three films were added to my collection that I can't help but share. Each one has its roots in a different genre, each one is exceedingly skilled as a filmmaker, and last but not least, each one of them has a not quite traditional way of telling and rhythm. Let's imagine a third of them: When the moon rises.

Cute quirkiness

Few contemporary directors I have such a great deal of sympathy for because he is always guaranteed to endow me with cutely snarky humor and be visually original on top of that. Wes Anderson deserves the big screen, precisely for his impressive handling of mise-en-scène.

Everything that takes place in front of the camera has a carefully thought out choreography and artistic form. The behavior of the actors is in accordance with the space, which at the same time largely reflects (adapts to) the mood of the scene or the character of the heroes. The colors don't necessarily reflect reality, on the contrary - Anderson's style of directing is closer to an animated film, so it's not really surprising that he created one (Fantastic Mr. Fox).

[youtube id=”a3YqOXFD6xg” width=”620″ height=”360″]

Stylization did not escape his comedy either When the moon rises, also known here under the original name Moonrise Kingdom. In addition to the above-mentioned style, this roughly three-year-old film is also characterized by a host of familiar faces who do not shy away from supporting and even episodic roles. (You will definitely love Edward Norton here, but Bruce Willis will also gain sympathy or – proven by Anderson – Bill Murray.)

When the moon rises it tells primarily about childhood and love and friendship, its thematic motifs can be extended to other forms/layers of relationships: parenthood, marriage... The most magical thing about Anderson's films, especially this one, is the sensitivity with which the director portrays the characters and their emotions. He does without ostentatious gestures, which, of course, does not exclude often peculiar actions that border on the grotesque in terms of genre. The omnipresent absurdity in Wes Anderson's magical performance does not clash with excursions into completely real relationships. So if you're looking for something original, funny and at the same time more than sensitive, you can't go to the movie When the moon rises miss.

You can watch the movie buy in iTunes (7,99 EUR in HD or 3,99 EUR in SD quality), or rent (4,99 EUR in HD or 2,99 EUR in SD quality).
