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Kodi is a software multimedia center with the help of which you can play movies, listen to music and display photos from various sources, i.e. typically connected disks, but also DVD drives and especially network storage. It also offers integration with streaming platforms, i.e. Netflix, Hulu, but also YouTube. It is available on Windows, Linux, Android and iOS, so you can use it on computers, smartphones, tablets, but primarily on a smart TV.

Notice: An important fact is that the individual functions of the platform are available through plugins, thus achieving extraordinary variability. There can be a decent catch with the question of legal content. Because developers can always create new and interesting extensions that give you access to some content - and its origin can be questionable (it is therefore recommended to use a VPN). If it is an extension to basic platforms, then of course everything is fine there. Third-party plugins may also contain malware and other online threats, especially if you use the platform on computers.

So what is it? 

Kodi is a media player. So it will play video, sound or photo for you. But it is not just a VLC clone, which is a typical representative of this category of applications. While VLC is commonly used to play media stored on the device's storage, Kodi is primarily intended for streaming them over the Internet. So he can also do the first method, but you probably won't want the platform because of that. Games are also present for this.

The history of the platform dates back to 2002, when the title XBMC, or Xbox Media Center, was released. After its success, it was renamed and expanded to other platforms. It is therefore a popular and well-established platform.



Success lies in the support of add-ons, i.e. plugins or addons. They act as a bridge between the platform, the media player and media sources on the network. There are a wide variety of them, and this is because Kodi is open source, so anyone who wants to can program their own add-on.

Kodi games

Where to install Kodi 

You can install Kodi from the official website, which may redirect you to the given operating system store. The platform itself is free, so you only pay for the add-ons you want to install. The overwhelming amount of content itself is also free, but Kodi offers practically none. This is purely an interface that you need to personalize further. 
