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The native Weather application has undergone huge changes not only within iOS in recent years. While a few years ago Weather was not usable and users in most cases downloaded third-party applications, in iOS 13 the new Weather has already begun to take shape. This has gradually evolved into a complex and very interesting application, as we can see in the latest iOS 16. Apple's acquisition of the Dark Sky application, which was one of the best weather applications in its time, has a lot to do with it. The current Weather application will be appreciated by both ordinary users and more advanced users.

How to view detailed weather charts and information on iPhone

One of the main innovations in the new Weather from iOS 16 is the ability to display detailed charts and weather information. You can view all these charts and detailed information up to 10 long days ahead. Specifically, in Weather you can view data on temperature, UV index, wind, rain, felt temperature, humidity, visibility and pressure, not only in large Czech cities, but also in small villages. Just proceed as follows:

  • First, open the native app on your iPhone Weather.
  • Once you do so, find a specific location for which you want to display graphs and information.
  • Subsequently, it is necessary for you to tap with your finger tile with 10-day or hourly predictions.
  • This will take you to interface with detailed charts and weather information.
  • You can switch between individual graphs and information by tapping the arrow with the icon in the right part.

So, in the above way, it is possible to display detailed charts and information about the weather on your iPhone with iOS 16 within the Weather app. As I mentioned, all this data is available up to a long 10 days ahead. So, if you would like to view the data on another day, you just need to click on a specific day in the upper part of the interface within the calendar. So if you have stopped using Weather in the past, definitely give it a second chance with the arrival of iOS 16.

daily weather summary ios 16