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When Apple introduced iOS 14 last year, it surprised many apple users with a new, rather interesting gadget. Since then, iPhones and iPads have always displayed a green or orange dot in the upper right corner. This tells the system that in the case of a green dot it is currently using the camera, while in the case of an orange dot the microphone is currently being used. And the same security feature is now headed to macOS Monterey.

macOS Monterey dot microphone camera fb
How it looks in practice

The first developer beta revealed that the exact "same dot" has arrived in the Control Center. In addition, in the case of the new system for Apple computers, Apple takes this great feature to the next level, as it also displays a list of applications that have recently activated and used the microphone. This is an amazing security improvement, with the help of which the maximum comfort of users in connection with their privacy will be further supported. In short, everything will be perfectly visible. What do you think about this news?

How macOS Monterey changes Safari:
