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Today's date, i.e. April 1, falls on the so-called "April Fool's Day", if you will. It is on this day that you can very easily get fooled, as there are countless different jokes or made-up messages circulating on the Internet. Especially nowadays, this form of relaxation is definitely very important and beneficial, because people don't have to think about everything that is happening in the world at least for a while. In our magazine, we made fun of you by publishing an article in which we informed you about the connection of the iPadOS and macOS operating systems. If you have already been cheated on from several sides today and you want to finally take a shot at someone, this article will come in handy for you.

How to shoot your friends in News

If you actively use Messages and the iMessage service, you know that when someone is writing to you, the writing indicator is displayed - an animation with three dots. As soon as the user in question sends the message, the indicator will naturally disappear. If you see that the other party is writing, in most cases you wait for them to send the message before you can respond directly. If you want to take a shot at someone, you can send them an animation in the form of a typing indicator. This way, the other party will think that you are constantly writing something and will wait and wait. If you would like to find out how, then proceed as follows:

  • First, it is necessary that you Typing indicator GIF (below) held a finger and then tapped on Add to Photos.
  • Once you've done that, move to the native app News.
  • Here you are subsequently open a conversation with the user you want to shoot.
  • Then click on in the bar above the keyboard Photos app icon.
  • Then find the downloaded one in the gallery Typing indicator GIF and tap it.
  • Finally, all you have to do is tap on blue arrow to submit.

Using the above procedure, it is therefore possible to send an animation of the typing indicator on your iPhone and thus take a shot at a friend, acquaintance or family member. Of course, it is imperative that you do not send any other message after sending the typing indicator animation, as this would immediately reveal yourself. The other party will definitely wait for some time as they will think that you are writing some message. After a long wait, the intended recipient will definitely get it, but still, in my opinion, this is a great way to make fun of someone.
