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If you're still on the fence about buying a fourth-generation Apple Watch, the ECG feature shouldn't matter. According to cardiologists, it will not bring anything to the majority of the population. On the contrary, it can even save the life of the sick.

Apple Watch accessories are most often purchased by customers aged 18-34. Which, paradoxically, is a sample of people who are usually healthy and do not have a problem with serious diseases. On the contrary, the vulnerable age group, starting from around 65 years of age, acquires these devices the least.

Tip: There are also cheaper watches that can measure heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, or approximate blood pressure. For example Smartomat watch with these functions they start at 690,-

Add to that the fact that only 2% of the population under the age of 65 suffer from atrial fibrillation. It is estimated that roughly less than a percent of the disease has not yet been diagnosed. On the other hand, the manifestations in these people are very short and usually do not require more serious treatment.

In other words, if you're a healthy individual who doesn't suffer from atrial fibrillation, then the benefit of the ECG feature on the Apple Watch is almost zero to you.

Apple Watch ECG
Too much self-measurement is harmful

Paradoxically, it happens that young people follow the results measured by watches too intently and contact doctors unnecessarily. Experts fear that they cannot smart watches like Apple Watch lead to an excessive increase in extra care. After all, a new generation of smart watches from Samsung is about to hit the market, which will also be able to measure EKG.

Of course, no one is saying that the ECG in the Apple Watch is completely useless. It has already been documented several times that the watch helped to detect health problems in time even in younger individuals. Although it is about units of cases, it is also often about saved lives.

The function therefore has no general benefit for the majority population and especially for the majority customer. On the other hand, it is a valued aid for those who suffer from atrial fibrillation. However, doctors still prefer devices that can monitor the patient's condition over a longer period of time.

Standard devices tend to be much more informative as they can capture the heart from a larger perspective. A short measurement via the Apple Watch can miss many variables and is also isolated in time.

With more data, it remains to be seen how accurate the measurement using the Apple Watch is and whether, in time, doctors will be able to recommend it as an alternative to standard devices.

Source: 9to5Mac
