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The Create Now! event, originally planned for June 6, was moved to Thursday, June 20 due to the flood situation. A few places have become available, so you have the opportunity to participate in the event. It is necessary registration on this page.

The event takes place on Thursday, June 20, 2013 from 9 a.m. at Premiere Cinemas, OC Park Hostivař, Švehlova 1391/32, Prague 10 – Hostivař.

We invite you to the presentation of new products from the Adobe Systems company. We'll focus on creative technologies from digital publishing, photography, web and video, and you'll see new releases of Adobe® Creative Cloud™ applications.


9.00 Registration

Time to arrive, have morning coffee and visit the booths of the conference partners

9.30 Morning part

Main presentation

Video processing

Graphics, publishing

12.15 Lunch

13.00 Afternoon part

Web production

Image processing

15.00 End of the event

Space for questions, prize draw


Adobe's European web evangelist Michael Chaize (France), independent video specialist Markus Bledowski (Germany) and Tomáš Metlička, Adobe solutions consultant for the EEU, will present product news. The main presentation will be given by Michal Metlička, regional technical manager for Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Part of the lectures (by foreign presenters) will be conducted in English. But these are not native speakers, so you don't have to worry about not understanding their lectures.
