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Photo Downloader

Do you need to download a photo or a large number of photos from the Internet? An extension called Photo Downloader will help you. Specializing in photos found on various popular social networks, Photo Downloader allows you to download content quickly, easily and conveniently.

Custom Profile Photo for Netflix

Want to really customize your Netflix profile to the max? An extension called Custom Profile Photo for Netflix will help you with this. Thanks to this extension, all you have to do is sign in to your Netflix account in Google Chrome on your Mac, activate the extension, and set your own profile picture.

Custom Netflix profile


Otto is a great extension that will do a great job of helping you with your productivity. In addition to allowing you to set pomodoro-type timers that allow you to efficiently alternate blocks of work with scheduled breaks, it also allows you to block selected websites that have the potential to distract you while you work.


An extension called Break Timer will also effectively help you plan breaks while working or studying in the Google Chrome web browser interface on your Mac. But this tool focuses on giving your eyesight a sufficient amount of rest and thus preventing its fatigue and other possible complications.

ChatGPT for Chrome

ChatGPT for Chrome is a useful extension that will allow you to see a response from ChatGPT alongside your Google search results. You can also ask any question and get a helpful answer in real time. ChatGPT offers support for a number of search engines including Google, DuckDuckGo or Bing.

ChatGPT for Google