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Po last year's premiere This year, Apple also published data on the diversity of its employees, that is, information on their distribution in 2015, in terms of gender and skin color. The sweeping news comes not long after Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee, on her latest visit to Silicon Valley advocated for the publication of reports on diversity by technology companies.

Available charts and graphs to find in the full report on Apple's website, show that women are a top priority for the Californian giant when it comes to hiring minorities – 2014 percent of all new hires worldwide as of June 35 were women.

For the United States, the top three groups hired are (after whites) Asians (19%), Hispanics (13%), and blacks (11%). Specifically, over 11 new female employees were hired last year (65% more than last year), more than 2 black people (200% more) and 50 Hispanics (2% more). Additionally, nearly half of the workers hired in the United States in the first six months of 700 belong to minority groups of women, blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans.

In general numbers, women make up 31% of Apple's total workforce, which is only one percentage point more than last year. 18 percent of Asians work for Apple worldwide (a 3% year-on-year increase) and 8 percent of blacks (a 1% increase).

The graphs are again supplemented by a letter from Tim Cook, which contains not only a stylized verbal description of the data, but also additional information. They show that Apple is not only focusing on hiring more minorities, but also making sure that there is as much choice as possible among those adequately qualified people.

Through the Thurgood Marshall College Fund, the company helps students at historically black colleges and universities better apply to the technology industry, the program ConnectED in turn, it brings Apple technology to schools and communities in the US that would otherwise not be able to afford similar devices.

Tim Cook says that at Apple, they are “proud of the progress they have made, and our commitment to increasing diversity is unwavering. But we know that there is still a lot of work to do". The letter ends with the words that more important than statistics are real people from all over the world speaking many different languages ​​working together. "We celebrate their differences and the many benefits that we and our customers enjoy as a result," reports Tim Cook.

Source: Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),