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The profession of a postman is no honey. Even Dr. knows about it. Panda, which already works in several educational games for children in the App Store. In my opinion, there are never enough apps and games for the smallest users. The series with the cute Panda is an example of this. Already once, Dr. Panda was selected as App of the Week and this week it did it again.

Dr. Panda's Mailman is intended for children from six to eight years old, but I believe that parents will enjoy playing it as well. The game even won several awards. The principle of the game is to prepare letters and deliver them to your addressees. The main character is the postman Dr. A panda that accompanies you throughout the game.

The game is fully interactive and offers several creative activities and tasks for children. Dr. So Panda's Mailman guides each player through a complete process in the field of postal services. In the beginning, you always start at the post office, where you first choose from ten animals to whom you want to send a letter. Then comes the creative part of the game, when each user can decorate the letter as desired.

There are several colored crayons or stamps to choose from. It only depends on your child what he draws or writes on the letter. The letter will then be taken by the turtle, which you have to put a stamp in its mouth to lick and stick it on the letter.

Then the postman Dr. A panda who takes the letter and gets on his scooter. The task of each player is to control the scooter and find the given animal in the small town to which the letter is addressed. Once you find it, Dr. Panda hands over the letter and the game starts over. If you get tired of sending letters, you can just drive around the town, trying out some obstacles, snow slides and other fun attractions.

Dr. Panda's will certainly entertain many a child for some time. The game is very nicely done in terms of graphics and gameplay. I appreciate the variability and creativity of the developers, who did not resort to simple character controls. Through the game, the process of sending letters and what the job of a postman actually looks like can be easily explained to each child.

You can download the game in the App Store for all iOS devices. I definitely recommend trying the game on the iPad as well, and if you are interested in the friendly panda, you can also try other educational games and applications. You can find about ten of them in the App Store, while there are also advantageous packages of several games.

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