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Safari web browser is surely used by a lot of Apple users on their Mac. It's reliable, fast, and with the arrival of the macOS 11 Big Sur operating system, it got even more great features. In today's article, we bring you five tips and tricks that will make working in Safari even more pleasant and efficient for you.

Picture in picture

We certainly do not need to remind more experienced users of this function, but many beginners are surprisingly often unaware of it. The Picture-in-Picture feature has been a part of the Safari web browser since the arrival of the macOS Sierra operating system. Its activation is simple – in Safari first start the video, which you want to watch in this mode. Click to center of the video right-click first once, and then again. It will be shown to you the second time menu, in which just select play option in the mentioned mode.

Customize the toolbar

When working in Safari, you may notice a toolbar with various buttons at the top of the window. Safari offers users the ability to fully customize this panel to find exactly what they need. For customizing the top bar click it in Safari right mouse button and select Edit toolbar. After that, just z is enough upper part of the window, which appears, drag the required elements to top bar, or vice versa drag unnecessary elements from the top bar down into the window.

Customize your dashboard

With the arrival of the macOS Big Sur operating system, the start page of the Safari browser has also changed significantly, and you now have many more options to customize it. In her lower right corner click on line icon with sliders. Here you can choose what elements should be on the start screen of your Safari browser or whatever wallpaper this page should have You can choose from preset wallpapers as well as images stored on your Mac.

Save pages in PDF format

Among other things, the Safari web browser also offers the option of saving your chosen web page in PDF format. You can later edit the page saved in this way, for example in native Preview or perhaps print it out. To save a page from Safari in PDF format, you just need to toolbar at the top of the screen of your Mac click on File -> Export as PDF.

Customize the page

For each of the sites you visit frequently on your Safari browser, you can make a number of useful settings and customizations. First in Safari open the page, which you want to make appropriate adjustments to. Then click right-click on the address bar and select Settings for this website. In menu, which will be displayed to you, you can then set how the page should behave after it is launched.
