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The iOS 14 operating system offers users relatively rich options for working with the desktop. If you've been sticking to the bare basics when it comes to customizing your iPhone's desktop, and you'd like to change that, you'll welcome our batch of tips for today.

Hiding apps

You can hide apps whose icons you don't want displayed on your iPhone's desktop. The procedure is very simple - just long press the application icon and select Delete application -> Remove from desktop. If you want to launch the app again, just swipe down on the desktop and enter its name in the Spotlight search field.

View badges in the App Library

If you have the App Library activated on your iPhone, you must have noticed that the badges with the number of pending updates do not appear on the application icons. But you can change that very easily. On your iPhone, run Settings -> Desktop, and in the section Notification badges activate the item View in app library.

Hiding desktop pages

Another quick and easy way to hide the contents of your iPhone's desktop is to hide desktop pages. In this case, your applications will be preserved, as well as the layout of individual pages. To hide desktop pages first long press the screen your iPhone. Then tap on line with points in the lower part of the display - it will be shown to you previews of individual desktop pages, which you can hide and show again at will.

Siri suggestions

Siri suggestions are a very useful part of the iOS operating system. This feature can offer you apps to run depending on the time of day and your habits. You'll see Siri suggestions under Spotlight, but you can also place a widget with those suggestions on your iPhone's desktop. First long press the screen of your iPhone and then v upper left corner click on "+". In list choose Siri suggestions, choose the desired widget format and place it on the desktop.

Refresh desktop

Have you spent tens of minutes making changes to your iPhone's desktop, only to find out that the default desktop settings are actually the best for you? You don't have to bother with manually undoing all the steps. Run on iPhone instead Settings -> General -> Reset, and tap on Reset desktop layout.
