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Apple tries to set up all its devices to suit most users right out of the box. But each of us is different, which means that everyone is comfortable with something completely different at the same time. So even if Apple tried as hard as it wanted, it will simply not satisfy all users. If you bought a new Apple Watch, or if you are planning to buy it soon, below you will find 5 settings that are (maybe) worth changing immediately after unpacking.

Orientation and rotation of the watch

After starting the watch for the first time, you can choose which hand you want to wear the watch on and which side the crown should be on. It's an unwritten rule that watches are mostly worn on the left hand - that's exactly why the digital crown with button is located on the right side of the watch body. However, if you are left-handed and wearing a watch on your left hand does not suit you, or if you simply want to switch the watch to the other hand for another reason, then you can. Just go to Settings -> General -> Orientation, where you choose on what wrist do you have a watch and where is it? find the digital crown.

Daily activity goal

As well as orientation, you have to choose a daily activity goal within the initial setting, i.e. movement, exercise and standing. We may not be able to hit the daily activity goal the first time, but that is of course no problem, as you can make changes at any time. If you want to change the destination for movement, exercise or standing, all you have to do is move to the application on your watch Activity. Here then move to left screen and get off all the way down where tap on the option Change goals. Then just use the buttons + a - set individual goals. For clarification, in the case of movement, it is generally stated that 200 kcal is below the lower daily activity goal, 400 kcal is medium and 600 kcal is higher.


We take screenshots on our iPhones, iPads or Macs practically every day. You can use them to quickly and easily share, for example, a message that caught your attention, or perhaps a new high score in a game - just think. You can still take screenshots on the Apple Watch, however by default this feature is disabled. If you would like to enable taking screenshots on your Apple Watch, go to Settings -> General -> Screenshots, where activate possibility Turn on screenshots. You can then take a screenshot on your watch by: at the same time you press the side button with the digital crown. The image is saved to Photos on the iPhone.

Arrangement of applications

If you want to move to the list of applications on the Apple Watch, you just need to press the digital crown. By default, applications are displayed in a grid that resembles a honeycomb - that's what this display mode is called in English, by the way. But for me personally, this display mode is completely chaotic and I have never been able to get the hang of it. Fortunately, Apple offers an option to switch the display to an alphabetical list. If you would like to switch the display of applications, go to Settings -> Application view, where you choose List (or the Grid).

Automatic installation of applications

If you install an application on your iPhone, the version of which is also available for Apple Watch, this application will be automatically installed on your watch by default. You might think this feature is great at first, but you'll find that you only really use a few apps on your Apple Watch, and that most of them (especially those from third-party developers) are just taking up storage space. To disable automatic app installation, go to the app on your iPhone Watch, where in the bottom menu click on My watch. Then move to the section In general, where deactivate possibility Automatic installation of applications. To remove installed apps, swipe v My watch completely down, where specific open the application, and then deactivate View on Apple Watch.
