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An integral part of practically every operating system from Apple is also the native application Notes. It serves all apple growers to quickly and easily record all the notes they need. Although the Notes app is very simple and intuitive, it also offers some complex features that can come in handy. In addition to all this, Apple is constantly trying to improve Notes, which we also witnessed in iOS 16. In this article, we will look together at 5 new things that came with this update in Notes.

Dynamic folder parameters

You can sort individual notes into different folders for better organization. In addition, however, you can also create dynamic folders in which all notes that meet pre-learned criteria will be displayed. Dynamic folders are nothing new in Notes, but in the new iOS 16 you can finally set whether the notes must meet all the criteria to be displayed, or if only some are enough. To create a new dynamic folder, open the application Comment, where then at the bottom left click on folder icon with +. Then you are select a location and tap on Convert a dynamic folder.

Quickly create notes from anywhere

Quite possibly, you have already found yourself in a situation where you wanted to create a new note with the currently displayed content. In that case, until now you had to either save or copy this content and then paste it into a new note. However, that is now over in iOS 16, as you can create quick notes with up-to-date content from virtually anywhere in the system. All you have to do is find and tap on the screen share icon (square with an arrow), and then pressed the option below Add to quick note.

Locking notes

If you have created a note that is personal and you don't want anyone to be able to access it, you can simply lock it for a long time. However, until now, to lock your notes, you had to create a special password directly for Notes. However, users very often forgot this password, which led to the need to reset it and simply delete the locked notes. However, Apple has finally wised up in iOS 16 and offers users a choice - they can either continue to lock notes with a special password or with a code lock for the iPhone, of course together with the option for authorization through Touch ID or Face ID. You'll be presented with the option when you try to lock your first note in iOS 16, which you do by opening a note, by tapping on three dots icon in a circle at the top right and then pressing the button Lock it.

Changing the way notes are locked

As I mentioned on the previous page, when trying to lock a note for the first time in iOS 16, users can choose which locking method they want to use. In case you made the wrong choice in this challenge, or if you changed your mind and simply want to use the second way of locking notes, you can of course make the change. You just need to go to Settings → Notes → Password, where click the account and then you select the password method by ticking it. There is no option to turn authorization using Touch ID or Face ID on or off.

Breakdown by date

If you have opened a folder in Notes so far, you will see a classic list of all notes, one after the other, or next to each other, depending on the display setting. The good news is that in iOS 16 there is a slight improvement to the display of all notes. They are now automatically sorted into groups based on when you last worked with them, i.e. today, yesterday, 7 days ago, 30 days ago, in a certain month, year, etc.

notes sorting by usage ios 16