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Linking notes

In iOS 17 and iPadOS 17, the Notes app finally supports creating hyperlinks. Open the note in which you want to add a link to another note. Mark the word, to which you want to add a prolink, and click it. Choose from the menu that appears above the word Add a link. After that, you just need to enter the destination of the link.

Linking non-existent notes

For notes links, in iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and macOS Sonoma, you can use keyboard shortcuts >> create links to notes that do not yet exist. This is useful if you want to create a network of ideas, keep them neatly divided, and at the same time prevent individual notes from getting out of control. To do this, write >>, enter the name of the note you want to create, and tap capacitor positive (+) lead. To start typing the name of the future note, tap Create a note. Then yours will be added odkaz, which you can tap to go directly to a new note.

Citation in text

The formatting tools menu in iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and macOS Sonoma has added a new option to add citation blocks to notes. Just tap on in the editing tools Aa and then tap on block quote symbol, both before the creation of the text itself and for the already created text.

Easier to work with PDF

Previously, when setting up large attachments, only the first page of the PDF file that was part of the note could be displayed. If you wanted to see the other pages as well, you had to open them in Quick View. PDFs are now embedded in full-width notes. So you can instantly browse the entire PDF file without having to open it in Quick Preview first. You can even open thumbnails and tap or click to jump between pages. Long press a thumbnail to get the same options as in Quick View, including rotating, inserting and deleting pages.

More annotation tools

In iOS 17 and iPadOS 17, native Notes also offers more tools for annotating PDFs and photos. Previously, on iOS and iPadOS, you could use a variable-width pen, a highlighter, or a pencil, and that was it. When annotating photos and PDFs in iOS 17 and iPadOS 17, you can now also use a fixed-width pen, crayon, calligraphy pen, or watercolor brush.
