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In today's part of our regular series on the history of technology, we will again talk about Apple - this time in connection with the Apple II computer, which was officially released on June 5, 1977. In addition to this event, it will also commemorate the release of the Internet package Mozilla Suite or Isaac Newton's entry into college.

The Apple II goes on sale (1977)

On June 5, 1977, Apple officially launched its Apple II computer. The computer was equipped with a 1MHz MOS 6502 processor, an integrated keyboard and 4 KB of memory, expandable to 48 KB. In addition, the Apple II had built-in support for the Integer BASIC programming language, its price for the basic model with 4 KB of RAM was $1289 at the time.

Mozilla publicly releases the Mozilla Suite

On June 5, 2002, Mozilla posted its Mozilla Internet Package 1.0 on a public FTP server. The Firefox project originally started as an experimental branch of the Mozilla project, and was worked on by Dave Hyatt, Joe Hewitt, and Blake Ross. The trio decided they wanted to create a standalone browser to replace the existing Mozilla Suite. At the beginning of April 2003, the company officially announced that it planned to switch from the Mozilla Suite package to a separate browser called Firefox.

Mozilla Suite

Other events not only in the field of technology

  • Isaac Newton was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge University (1661)
  • The asteroid Inastronovy was discovered (1989)