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Today's installment of our trip back in time will once again be about Apple. This time we will go back to 2009, when Steve Jobs (temporarily) assumed the position of head of Apple after a medical break.

On June 22, 2009, Steve Jobs returned to Apple a few months after undergoing a liver transplant. It should be noted that June 22nd was not the first day that Jobs spent back at work, but it was on this day that Jobs' statement appeared in a press release related to the iPhone 3GS, and employees began to notice his presence on campus. As soon as Jobs' return was officially confirmed, many people began to wonder how long he would lead the company. Steve Jobs' health problems had been known for some time at that time. For several months, Jobs refused to undergo the surgery suggested by the doctor, and preferred alternative methods of treatment, such as acupuncture, various dietary modifications or consultations with various healers.

In July 2004, however, Jobs finally underwent the postponed surgery, and his role in the company was temporarily taken over by Tim Cook. During the operation, metastases were discovered, for which Jobs was prescribed chemotherapy. Jobs briefly returned to Apple in 2005, but his health was not quite right, and a number of estimates and speculations also began to appear in connection with his health. After several attempts to downplay the illness, Jobs finally sent out a message to Apple employees stating that his health problems were more complex than originally thought and that he was taking a six-month medical leave. Jobs underwent surgery at the Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute in Memphis, Tennessee. After his return, Steve Jobs remained at Apple until mid-2011, when he left the leadership position for good.
