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The science fiction genre is inherently connected to technologies of all kinds. Today is the anniversary of the premiere of one of the cult sci-fi series, the legendary Star Trek. In addition to this premiere, in today's episode of our historical series, we will also remember the monstrous lawsuit of the Recording Industry Association of America.

Here Comes Star Trek (1966)

On September 8, 1966, the episode titled The Man Trap of the cult sci-fi series Star Trek premiered. The creator of the original series was Gene Reddenberry, the series ran for a total of three seasons on the NBC television station. When creating the series, Roddenberry was inspired by the CS Forester Horatio series of novels, Gulliver's Travels by Johanthan Swift, but also by television westerns. Over time, Star Trek saw a number of other series, spin-offs and feature films, and was indelibly written in the history of the science fiction genre.

RIAA lawsuit (2003)

On September 8, 2003, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) filed a lawsuit against a total of 261 people. The lawsuit concerned the sharing of music on peer-to-peer networks, and among the defendants was only twelve-year-old Brianna LaHara, among others. The RIAA gradually expanded its lawsuit to tens of thousands of other people, but received sharp criticism from the public for its actions.

Other events not only in the field of technology

  • The Central Union of Czech Chess Players was founded with its headquarters in Prague (1905)
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