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In the last part of our "historical" series this week, we recall a relatively recent event. This is the introduction of segways, which happened exactly nineteen years ago during the broadcast of the morning show Good Morning America.

Here Comes the Segway (2001)

American inventor and entrepreneur Dean Kamen introduced the world on December 3, 2001 to a vehicle called Segway. The performance took place during the morning show Good Morning America. The Segway was a two-wheeled electric cart that used the principle of dynamic stabilization to move. In a way, Segways attracted interest even before their launch. For example, a book was published that described the development, financing and other topics related to Segways. Even Steve Jobs commented on Segways - he initially stated that they would be as essential as personal computers, but later retracted this statement and stated that they were "useless". A number of different models came out of Segway's workshop - the first was the i167. The original segway was produced by the company of the same name in the American New Hampshire until July 2020, but vehicles of this type still enjoy great popularity all over the world today...but they also face hatred from many sides.
