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In today's article about significant events in the field of technology, this time there is only one event. This is the introduction of the IBM PC in 1981. Some may remember this machine as the IBM Model 5150. It was the first model of the IBM PC series, and was supposed to compete with computers from Apple, Commodore, Atari or Tandy.

IBM PC (1981)

On August 12, 1981, IBM introduced its personal computer called the IBM PC, which was also known as the IBM Model 5150. The computer was equipped with a 4,77 MHz Intel 8088 microprocessor and ran Microsoft's MS-DOS operating system. The development of the computer lasted less than one year, and it was taken care of by a team of twelve experts with the aim of bringing it to the market as soon as possible. Compaq Computer Corp. came out with its own first clone of the IBM PC in 1983, and this event heralded the gradual loss of IBM's share of the personal computer market.

Other events not only in the field of technology

  • In Prague, the metro line A section from Dejvická station to Náměstí Míru was opened (1978)