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V past work of our series about historical events on the field technology we recalled for example dropping malware called Sasser or perhaps birth of Claude Shannon. In today it seems for example launch the first program written in the language BASIC, establishment company AMD or start of Czechoslovak Television broadcasting.

First BASIC program (1964)

On the first of May of the year 1964 byl by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz launched the first program, written in a language they created BASIC. It happened in four o'clock in the morning v Darthmouth. A pair of programmers used for this purpose General Electric 225 mainframe computer. BASIC was a relatively simple language that was originally intended for less technically experienced users.

Founding of AMD (1969)

First May of the year 1969 was, among other things, the day she was established company Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). The company founded engineer Jerry Sanders with his seven colleagues from fairchild semiconductor. AMD v Currently produces especially processors, APUs, GPUs, chipsets and other components not only for počítace, but perhaps also for gaming console.

Commencement of Czechoslovak Television broadcasts

The first day of May of the year 1953 she started her broadcasting from Studio Praha in Měšťanská beseda in Vladislavova street Czechoslovak television. First experimentally broadcasting of Czechoslovak Television se carried out already in March 1948 in Tanvald, from February 25 of the year 1953 was already televised declared regular – but the television was only broadcasting three days a week, began broadcasting its programs for the whole week only at the end of December of the year 1958.

Other events (not only) from the world of technology

  • V Ostrava was started electric tram operation and at the same time the operation of the steam tram ceased (1901)
  • V Munich the radio started broadcasting Free Europe (1951)
  • Elon Musk announces the creation of the division TeslaEnergy, which will deal with production battery storage a solar products (2015)