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Acquisitions of all kinds are not uncommon in the tech world. Today, for example, we will remember the day when Jeff Bezos - the founder of Amazon - bought the Washington Post media platform. As you'll find out in our quick summary, it wasn't entirely Bezos's own idea. We will also briefly recall two events related to space.

Jeff Bezos Buys The Washington Post (2013)

On August 5, 2013, Jeff Bezos, the founder and owner of Amazon, began the process of acquiring the Washington Post news platform. The price was 250 million and the deal was officially completed on October 1 of that year. However, the staff composition of the newspaper's management did not change in any way with the acquisition, and Bezos continued to remain the director of Amazon, based in Seattle. A little later, Jeff Bezos revealed in an interview with Forbes magazine that he was initially not interested in buying the Post - the initial idea for the acquisition came from the head of Donald Graham, the son of journalist Katharine Graham.

Other events not only in the field of technology

  • Soviet Mars probe launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (1973)
  • Curiosity successfully lands on the surface of Mars (2011)
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