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Everyone perceives heroes differently. For some, a hero can be a character from a cult action comic and series, while others can consider a successful businessman in flesh and blood to be a hero. Today's part of our regular "historical" series will discuss both types of heroes - we will remember the premiere of the Batman series on ABC and Jeff Bezos' birthday.

Batman on ABC (1966)

On January 12, 1966, the Batman series premiered on ABC television. The popular series with the now iconic jingle was always broadcast every Wednesday, its premiere episode was called Hi Diddle Riddle. Each of the episodes had a half-hour footage, and viewers could enjoy unusual camera angles, effects and other elements at the time. Of course, none of the episodes had to be without a villain or an appropriate moral message. The Batman series aired until 1968.

Jeff Bezos was born (1964)

On January 12, 1964, Jeff Bezos was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His mother was a seventeen-year-old high school student at the time, his father owned a bicycle shop. But Bezos grew up with his adoptive father, Miguel "Mike" Bezos, who adopted him when he was four years old. Jeff developed an interest in technology very early on. He graduated from a science training program at the University of Florida, and stated in his graduation speech that he had always dreamed of colonizing space. In 1986, Bezos graduated from Princeton University and started working at Fitel. At the end of 1993, he decided to start an online bookstore. The operation of Amahon was started in early June 1994, in 2017 Jeff Bezos was declared the richest man on the planet for the first time.

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