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Due to today's official start of sales of the iPhone X, it can be expected that a greater number of these phones will be concentrated in the vicinity of large Apple stores. This is exactly what a trio of thieves from San Francisco, USA, took advantage of. On Wednesday, they waited during the day for a courier who was supposed to deliver to a San Francisco Apple Store. As soon as the van arrived at its destination and the driver parked it there, the trio broke into it and stole what many customers are waiting for in this branch today. More than 300 iPhone Xs have gone missing, according to police.

According to the police file, 313 iPhone Xs, with a total value of more than 370 thousand dollars (ie more than 8 million crowns), disappeared from the delivery of the UPS courier service. It took the three thieves less than 15 minutes to complete the entire theft. The bad news for them is the fact that each of the stolen iPhones was cataloged by serial number.

This means that phones can be traced. Since Apple knows which iPhones they are, it is possible to start tracking them the moment the phone is connected to the network. This may not lead investigators directly to the thieves, but it may make their investigation easier. According to the investigators, it is rather suspicious that the thieves knew exactly which courier car to go after and when exactly to wait for it. However, those who pre-ordered their iPhone X and were supposed to pick it up at this store will not lose it. On the other hand, thieves will worry about getting rid of stolen phones without being caught.

Source: CNET
