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Today we will introduce a very interesting shortcut for iOS. It's called Bad Date, and as you might guess, it serves as a partial rescue in moments when, for whatever reason, you have to go through a meeting that you need to get out of as quickly as possible.

There are many reasons why you might find yourself in an uncomfortable meeting—as well as reasons why people need to get out of a meeting from time to time. However, it is not always possible to use a simple excuse and simply leave. And precisely in cases where normal exit is not possible for any reason, this shortcut can save you.

The creator of the Bad Date shortcut is a Reddit user with the nickname geohuds. The shortcut itself works by sending your exact current location data and a corresponding text message to a person (or group of people) from your contact list when activated. Of course, you can customize the message to your liking. Since the Bad Date shortcut should ideally be activated as quickly and as unobtrusively as possible, we recommend assigning it to, for example, tapping the back of your iPhone (if your phone supports this feature) - after installing the shortcut, go to Settings -> Accessibility - > Touch -> Tapping on the back, where you then select the desired shortcut from the list. The Bad Date shortcut requires access to your contacts and current location.

You can download the Bad Date short here.
