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It was on April 11, 2020, when eRouška was released on the Android operating platform, it was released on iOS on May 4 of the same year. Its second version, and the one finally usable, was released on September 18, 2020. A year later, we are saying goodbye to this platform and it will probably be missed by few. At least judging by the latest published numbers. But if it was ever really successful, the users themselves must judge. 

This open-source mobile application for Android and iOS was part of the Smart Quarantine system, and its purpose was clear – to limit the spread of the Covid-19 disease. Before vaccination came, the whole nation was encouraged to have a mask covering their airways and to have an e-mask in their mobile phone. The concept made clear sense, the connection with foreign platforms was also beneficial. Technically, it wasn't that famous anymore, and the downright bad first version might have turned off a lot of users who would have potentially used it otherwise.

Of course, it depends on how you look at it. But the 1,7 million people who installed the application are relatively few compared to the total population of the Czech Republic, which as of January 1, 2021 was more than 10 million and 700 thousand. According to earlier statements by the Ministry of Health, it should have been downloaded by 6 million users for optimal use. Considering the fact that even if she only saved a single human life, she had a point. In total, however, it warned about 400 users who underwent a potentially risky encounter

Failed first version 

The very first version of the eRouška was supposed to save the Czech Republic. But very few people used it in the final, because it had a number of technical shortcomings. Among the most crucial was that you had to have it running for it to be active, not just running in the background. This made it very impractical to use, and of course the device's battery suffered as well. The fault was the lack of integration into the Apple system itself, which was only debugged with the next version.

Even the second version was not a miracle from the beginning. The warning about the presence of an infected person in the vicinity did not go to people until several days later. However, the purpose of the entire information system was to provide immediate information and limit contact with other people. In addition, it required iOS 13.5 and later, which was also a possible problem for many. Advertising campaigns highlighting the title eRouška 2.0 were also funny, but such a title did not exist in application stores, because it was still only about eRouška. 

End for disinterest 

But it is logical. eRouška ends due to the fact that only a handful of users, of which the application still has half a million, were putting information into it. Technically savvy users who would use the potential of the platform are already vaccinated, and thus they are not too interested in the platform itself. Tracing infected users is no longer the only tool for managing the epidemic. Apart from vaccination, there are also general measures and other technical tools. Of course, we mean Dot and čTečka.

The last update of the title took place on May 19, 2021, and now, i.e. since the beginning of November, the entire eRouška is inactive. It doesn't run in the background, it doesn't make demands on the battery, but you can still receive notifications. So not regarding contact with an infected person, but if the provider wants to inform about some particulars. The platform is and will be, and it is not excluded that it will be activated again, or modified in some way and will continue to function in a certain way. But that will certainly not be the case now. This is also why all collected data is deleted. 
