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The case concerning the slowing down of Apple's iPhones has caused a lot of inconvenience. If we leave aside the currently ongoing action on the discounted replacement of batteries, which Apple used as a kind of compensation for the created (and mainly secreted) problems, the company must also answer for its actions all over the world. In France, a court is dealing with the case, in the United States congressmen and several committees are interested in the problem. On a political level, this case is also being resolved in neighboring Canada, where representatives of Apple explained the entire affair in front of parliamentarians.

Apple representatives mainly explained technical information about why the whole case actually arose, what Apple was aiming for by reducing the performance of the affected phones and whether it could have been solved differently/better. The MP was also interested in whether the problem manifests itself differently with phones in the US or with phones in Canada.

Apple's representatives tried to argue that there were valid reasons for slowing down, in that although the iPhone will slow down to a certain extent, the stability of the system will be preserved. If such a mechanism were not applied, unexpected system crashes and phone restarts would occur, which would reduce user comfort.

The only reason we released this update was so that owners of older iPhones with dead batteries could continue to use their phones comfortably without the burden of system crashes and random phone shutdowns. It is definitely not a tool to force customers to buy a new device. 

Apple representatives also argued that the new function was written about in the basic information about the 10.2.1 update, so users had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with what they were installing on their phone. Otherwise, the whole conversation was carried on a wave of hitherto known information and phrases. The company's representatives mentioned an ongoing campaign during which affected users can request a battery replacement at a discounted price. It has also been said that from the upcoming iOS update (11.3) it will be possible to turn off this software slowdown.

Source: 9to5mac
