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The social network Snapchat has probably had its best years behind it. Today, information appeared on the website, which former (but also current) users are not very happy about. It turned out that the company's employees had a special tool at their disposal that allowed them to monitor private conversations and access very sensitive information that was definitely not intended for them.

According to several independent sources in the form of former and current employees and several internal e-mails, selected employees of Snapchat had special tools to dipsosic that allowed them to view the private data of users of this social network. Other programs were focused on the attribution of individual information, allowing the company to create complete "profiles" of individual users based on stored data such as messages, photos or contact information.

One of these tools was the so-called SnapLion, which was officially used for the needs of security forces in the event of their request to release information about a certain user. This is a completely legitimate tool with precisely defined conditions of use. However, it was confirmed by internal sources that SnapLion was not being used only for the purposes for which it was primarily intended. There were also allegedly illegitimate use cases, which were behind the employees of the social network, who were just abusing the tool for their own use.

snap chat

Sources inside the company say that abuse of the tool happened earlier, until its security was at this level, and the tool itself was relatively easy to exploit without trace. Nowadays, it is much more difficult, although still not impossible. Snapchat's official statement just repeats PR phrases about protecting the privacy of its users, etc. However, the truth remains that once you put some of your private information on the Internet (regardless of the service), you lose any control over it.

Source: The Motherboard
