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Rewards for corporate loyalty can vary. From financial evaluation, through some (small) packages of shares or similar benefits. An Apple employee who received a plaque with congratulations and a dedication from Tim Cook for five years of work at the company has now shared his reward with the Internet.

Lemont Washington started working at Apple in 2014, when he joined as a software engineer in a senior position. Since then, he has been working on projects such as Swift Playground, HomeKit or the News application as part of his workload. Last year, he crossed the five-year mark since starting his career at Apple, and now he showed off the reward he received for it. It is a plaque with the dedication and personal signature of Tim Cook.

Apple employment plaque 5 years

The plaque reads as follows:

Five years at Apple is a major milestone. With your arrival, you asserted that you wanted to achieve great things. Since then, you have worked with high commitment, passion, creativity and tenacity, qualities that are needed in the pursuit of perfection. He motivated and encouraged others to achieve the feats he had set for himself. During that time you have done many things that have affected the lives of others around you and that is something that is very important. Thank you for everything you've done at Apple so far, and for what's yet to come. 

Similar thank you plaques occasionally appear in auction houses. Especially those still signed by Steve Jobs can be auctioned off for an interesting amount of money. Would you appreciate such a gesture, or is it "too much"?

Source: Twitter
