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Dato can place Dato offers the local time, date, several world clocks, and upcoming events in the menu bar at the top of your Mac screen. After clicking on the corresponding icon, a menu with a calendar, events in the calendar and a world clock will appear. Everything is of course highly customizable. Dato supports all locales and languages ​​that macOS supports for menu bar text, dates, times, and calendar, but menus and settings are only in English.

Download the Dato app here.

Second Clock

Another interesting application in our selection today comes from the creators of Dato - Second Clock. This is a very simple yet very useful application that allows you to place an additional time display with your chosen time zone in the menu bar at the top of your Mac screen.

You can download the Second Clock app here.


The Ubersicht application allows you to run system commands on your Mac and display their output on the desktop in small containers called widgets. Widgets are written in HTML5, which makes them easy to create and customize, and can also display data in tables, graphs or diagrams. This is an open-source application.

You can download the Ubersicht application here.

Thank you

Yabai is an open-source window management tool that is designed as an extension of the built-in window manager of the macOS operating system. yabai allows you to freely control windows, desktops and displays using an intuitive command-line interface and optionally set user-defined hotkeys using skhd and other third-party software.


You can download the Yabai app here.


Pixea is an image viewer and video player for macOS with a nice minimalistic, modern user interface. Pixea works great with JPEG, HEIC, PSD, RAW, WEBP, PNG, GIF, MKV, MP4 and many more formats. Pixea provides image manipulation features including flip and rotate, and displays color histogram, EXIF ​​and other information. Supports keyboard shortcuts and trackpad gestures. It also displays images inside archives without extracting them.

You can download the Pixea app here.
