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The US House of Representatives has approved a fairly important legislative proposal that deals with tech giants. These giants often have a monopoly and can thus directly influence the competition, determine the price and the like. Something similar has been talked about for a long time, especially in connection with the Epic vs. Apple case. This change should affect companies like Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook, and the law itself is called the American Choice and Innovation Act.

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According to the official statement of American officials, many technology monopolies are unregulated, which is why they have a strong hand over the entire economy. They are in a unique position where they can, figuratively speaking, choose winners and losers and literally destroy small businesses or raise prices. So the goal is for even the richest players to play by the same rules. A representative of Spotify commented on this, according to which this legislative change was an inevitable step, thanks to which the giants will no longer hinder innovation. For example, such an App Store favoring its own applications.

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According to the Wall Street Journal, this law will have a huge impact on the tech giants if it is fully approved and goes into effect. For example, as already indicated, Apple would then no longer be able to favor its own programs and would have to give space to the competition as well. Precisely because of this, he appeared in court more than once, where he led disputes with companies such as Spotify, Epic Games, Tile and a number of others. At the moment, the law still has to pass the Senate. In addition, it could affect not only the App Store, but also the Find My platform. How the situation will develop is still unclear.
