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These days, Apple has modified the terms of use of Game Center for iDevices with iOS. That you didn't read the terms, you automatically agreed and you don't know anything about the changes? We will draw your attention to them in this article.

Game Center is a service from Apple through which you can play multiplayer games or view game results, leaderboards and achievements, whether yours or your friends'. I'm sure some of you have noticed that the last time you wanted to run a game with Game Center support, you had to log into your account again and confirm the new changed terms. Why?

Apple has adjusted the conditions for friend requests. It used to work by getting a notification asking the user to add. For the given request, the nickname of the potential friend was displayed, possibly also some text. But you yourself have surely encountered the problem of not knowing who is adding you. Your nickname is not associated with any known person and the text of the request may be missing. Thus, a problem arises.

That's why there was a change. Now you will see the full name of the user who wants to add you. This will certainly avoid misunderstandings about who it really is. In addition, it also looks like Apple is trying to make playing through Game Center and/or viewing results a more personal affair, where you don't just know the user's nickname, but the full name.

Apple is also working to connect its other services. E.g. if you would like to find a user from Game Center in the music-social service Ping, you will not be able to do so using a nickname. With the full name and changed terms, this problem is now fixed.

What do you think about this? Do you use Game Center? Do you welcome the new change or do you find it insignificant? Let us know what you think in the comments.
