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When the word "co-founders of Apple" is mentioned, almost every supporter of the Cupertino company, in addition to Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, naturally also thinks of Ronald Wayne. However, the third co-founder of Apple did not warm up in the company for too long, and for understandable reasons, he did not take home a staggering fortune.

When Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple, Ronald Wayne was already in his forties. So it is completely understandable that he had some doubts about the future of the newly founded company and worried about whether it would be successful at all. His doubts, along with concerns about whether he would even have enough energy, time and funds to invest in Apple, were so great that they eventually forced him to leave the company not long after its official founding. This happened on April 12, 1976, and Wayne decided to sell his share for $800 as well.

Although Wayne said goodbye to Apple very early, his contribution to the company was quite significant. For example, Ronald Wayne was the author of the first-ever Apple logo, the legendary drawing of Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree with the inscription "The mind, forever wandering on strange waters of thought." Wayne also took charge of writing the first ever contract in the history of Apple, in which among other things defined exactly what the individual co-founders would do and was also skilled in mechanical and electrical engineering.

In his own words, he got on best with Steve Wozniak, whom he described as the kindest person he had ever met in his life. "His personality was contagious," Wayne Wozniak once described. Despite the fact that the other two founders of Apple have become successful men, Wayne does not regret his early departure. Although he did not always do well financially, he honestly stated in one of the interviews on this topic that it is not worth worrying about such things. Ronald Wayne was certainly not forgotten at Apple, and Steve Jobs once invited him, for example, to the presentation of the new Macs, paid for his first-class tickets and personally drove him from the airport to a luxury hotel.
