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Today we already find the Apple Story - that is Apple branded stores – almost all over the world, but it wasn't always like that. For quite a long time, the United States was the exclusive home of Apple Stores. At the end of November 2003, Tokyo, Japan became the first place where Apple opened its retail brand store outside the US.

It was the 73rd Apple Store in the series, and it was located in a fashionable Tokyo district called Ginza. On opening day, thousands of Apple fans lined up around the block in the rain, creating what was possibly the longest line at an Apple Store. The Tokyo Apple Store offered its visitors apple products on five floors. Although Steve Jobs did not attend the opening ceremony of the first Japanese Apple Store, visitors could hear a welcome speech from Eiko Harada, president of Apple Japan.

The choice of location for the new Apple Store was intended, among other things, to show that Apple is not only a technology company, but also has an influence in the field of lifestyle and, by extension, fashion. That is why Apple avoided Tokyo's famous Akihabara district, full of electronics stores, and opened its first brand store in the immediate vicinity of stores of fashion brands such as Dior, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada and Cartier.

Apple Stories around the world feature a typical interior design:

As has become customary when an Apple store opens in the United States, the first visitors to the Ginza Apple Store received a commemorative T-shirt - in this case, instead of the usual 2500, 15 T-shirts were given out. The opening ceremony also included a spectacular raffle, the winner of which won a XNUMX” iMac, a Canon camera, a digital camera and a printer. Apple began to do well in the land of the rising sun, gaining popularity especially among younger customers who were attracted to the Apple company's style. The Japanese Apple Story has also gradually developed its own specifics - for example, the traditional "mystery bag" that is given out on Japanese New Year to people waiting in line.

During this year, the premises of the first Apple Store in the Ginza district became empty. The original building in which the store was located was slated for demolition, and the Apple Store moved to a twelve-story building in the same neighborhood. The premises of the apple store are spread over six floors.
