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Apple has had a fairly diverse lineup of personal computers in its portfolio over the decades of its existence. One of them is the Macintosh SE/30. The company introduced this model during the second half of January 1989, and the computer very quickly and rightly gained great popularity.

The Macintosh SE/30 was a compact personal computer with a 512 x 342 pixel monochrome screen. It was equipped with a Motorola 68030 microprocessor with a clock speed of 15,667 MHz, and its price at the time of sale was 4369 dollars. The Macintosh SE/30 weighed 8,8 kilograms and, among other things, was also equipped with a slot that allowed the connection of other components, such as network cards or display adapters. It was also the first ever Macintosh to offer a 1,44 MB floppy disk drive as standard equipment. Users had a choice between a 40MB and an 80MB hard drive, and the RAM was expandable up to 128MB.

Apple promoted the arrival of the new Macintosh model, among other things, through print ads, in which they emphasized the transition to new processors from Motorola's workshop, to which these computers could owe a significantly higher performance. When the System 1991 operating system was released in 7, the capabilities of the Macintosh SE/30 were shown in an even better light. The model gained great popularity not only in many households, but also found its way into many offices or perhaps research laboratories.

It also received a number of praiseworthy reviews, which positively evaluated not only its compact appearance, but also its performance or how this model managed to present a golden middle ground between slower "low-cost" computers and some super-powerful Macs, which, however, were unnecessary for some groups of users financially demanding. The Macintosh SE/30 even starred in the popular sitcom Seinfeld, where it was part of the furnishings of Jerry Seinfeld's apartment in the first rows. We could even meet the Macintosh SE/30 on the movie screen in 2009, when it appeared on Ozymandias' desk in the movie Watchmen.

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