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Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are often mistaken for personalities between whom a certain competitive struggle reigned above all. But it would be very imprecise to limit the relationship of these two prominent personalities only to the level of competitors. Gates and Jobs were, among other things, colleagues, and the editors of Fortune magazine invited them for a joint interview in August 1991.

It was also the first ever interview in which Jobs and Gates participated together, and one of its main topics was the future of computers. At the time the interview took place, ten years had just passed since the first personal computer from IBM went on sale. At the time of the aforementioned interview, Bill Gates was already a relatively successful businessman in the field of computer technology, and Jobs was just about the period he was spending outside of Apple, working at NeXT.

The interview took place at Jobs' home in Palo Alto, California, and was conducted by then Fortunes magazine editor Brent Schlender, who is also the author of Jobs' biography, Becoming Steve Jobs. It was in this book that many years later Schlender recalled the mentioned interview, saying that Steve Jobs allegedly tried to appear unavailable before it took place. The interview itself was quite interesting in many ways. For example, Jobs poked fun at Gates by saying that Microsoft was a "small office," to which Gates countered that it was a very large office. Gates, for a change, accused Jobs of being jealous of Microsoft and its popularity, and Jobs did not forget to remind that the Windows operating system brings great new technologies to personal computers, which Apple pioneered. "It's been seven years since the Macintosh was introduced, and I still think that tens of millions of PC owners are using computers that are far less good than they should be," he didn't take napkins Jobs.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have only had two interviews together. One of them is an interview for Fortune magazine, which we describe in our article today, the second is a much more well-known interview that took place in 2007 at the D5 conference.
