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The arrival of the virtual voice assistant Siri for the iPhone in early 2010 was the fulfillment of a futuristic sci-fi dream for many. It was suddenly possible to talk to the smartphone, and it was able to respond relatively closely to its owner. However, it wouldn't be Apple if it didn't try to promote its new software in the best and most impressive way possible. In the company, they said that no one appeals to customers better than celebrities. Who promoted Siri and how did it turn out?

In search of the most ideal "spokesperson" for its latest software product, Apple turned to a number of celebrities from the music and film industries. Thanks to this, for example, an advertisement was created, in which the popular actor John Malkovich appeared in the main role, or an unintentionally funny spot in which Zooey Deschanel looks out of a window, on which a string of rainwater is rolling, and asks Siri if it is raining.

Among the personalities addressed was the legendary director Martin Scorsese, who, among other things, became famous for creating relatively harsh Hollywood films. In addition to the iconic Taxi Driver and Raging Bull, he also has the film Kundun about the Tibetan Dalai Lama, the exciting Cursed Island or the "children's" Hugo and his great discovery. To this day, many consider the spot in which Scorsese starred to be the most successful of the entire series.

In the ad, the iconic director is sitting in a taxi struggling through a congested city center. In the spot, Scorsese checks his calendar with the help of Siri, moves individual scheduled events, looks for his friend Rick, and gets real-time traffic information. At the end of the ad, Scorsese compliments Siri and tells her that he likes her.

The commercial was directed by Bryan Buckley, who, among other things, sat in the director's chair during the creation of another spot promoting the digital assistant Siri - this was a commercial starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, which saw the light of day a few years later.

The commercial with Martin Scorsese was certainly great, but many users complained that Siri at the time was far from showing the skills that we can see in the spot. The part in which Siri gives Scorsese real-time traffic information has faced criticism. The success achieved by some of the commercials in which famous personalities played inspired Apple to create more spots over time. They featured, for example, director Spike Lee, Samuel L. Jackson, or maybe Jamie Foxx.

Despite the successful commercials, the voice digital assistant Siri still faces some criticism. Siri users blame the lack of language capabilities, as well as the lack of "smartness", in which Siri, according to its critics, cannot compare with competitors Amazon's Alexa or Google's Assistant.

How long have you been using Siri? Have you noticed a significant change for the better, or does Apple need to work on it even more?

Source: CultOfMac
