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O iPod is often referred to as one of the the most important a the most successful products of the newer era of Apple. Today, the iPod is so popular not happy – users prefer to listen to music through apps streaming services on their own smart phones. Back when the iPhone was still the music of the distant future, they predicted some iPods from Apple great futuret while hoarfrost they were rather skeptical. The former head of Microsoft also belonged to the second group Bill Gates. He was right?

V May 2005 has been the iPod in the world for a long time, while on iPhone we had to spend some time wait. Bill Gates provided at that time interview for German newspapers, and among others in it he admitted, that iPod has potential become really very a successful product. But this success according to Gates not have long duration. He had truth – predicted that the market share of si in the future usurp smart mobile phones. "As good as Apple can be, I don't believe that the success of the iPod can be sustained in the long term," said Gates at the time in an interview for general newspaper. The whole situation compared to Apple's success in the market with computeri:"Apple has had a very strong position in this field in the past," he recalled, citing the original Macintosh with its graphical user interface as an example. "But then he lost his position." Mobile Phones According to Gates, the future should have so many functions a abilities, that gradually without problems destroy the market with MP3 players.

Supporters of Apple - and probably hers employees – at the time they perceived Gates's statement more as sour grapes. Your role in skepticism the fact that Gates already at that time played a role in his statement he wasn't general the director Microsoft, and some tended to do not attach his words great weight. Before with the advent of MP3 players players enjoyed great popularity physical music carriers. For example, the company was very successful in this field Sony, which has been sold over the course of 25 years 340 million their Walkmans. Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), he had on his account at the time 15 million iPods sold, and so on experts she was convinced that his players were ahead of her long and successful future. Steve Jobs obviously shared Gates' view of future music players and mobile phones. Back in the day when iPod sales formed 45% of income of Apple, he concluded agreement with the company Motorola – should have been the result of this agreement mobile phone with iTunes. The finally expected one he did not succeed, and Apple his ended the support one year before the arrival of the first iPhone.
