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Day after day, the tech world is still one big unrelenting tumult and the omnipresent post-election chaos just adds fuel to the fire. After all, tech giants are constantly trying to fight misinformation by any means possible and, if possible, avoid a scandal that would threaten their integrity and image in the public eye. It is also for this reason that YouTube has decided on a rather radical solution, namely to cut off the One America channel, which is known and famous for its promotion of baseless news. In the same way, Facebook has stepped on the spread of alarmist news, which dug through the list of displayed posts and now prefers exclusively verified news sources such as CNN.

YouTube has removed the One America channel

We have written many times in the past about Google's rather striking actions against unsubstantiated information, but this time it is a completely unprecedented situation that probably has no parallels. The technology giant, led by the YouTube platform, decided to deal a fatal blow to the One America News channel, which, although it defends the "cohesion of American citizens", on the other hand, constantly undermines it by spreading unsubstantiated news related to the disease of COVID-19. YouTube has warned the organizers and content creators many times, but they, on the other hand, got even tougher after each threatened ban, and so the platform decided to get rid of this channel for good.

Although most users know that this is a purely right-wing channel, the controversial creators attracted a number of fans and, above all, were able to use sophisticated manipulation to fight the YouTube algorithm, which is relatively indiscriminate with such fads. The creators crossed the imaginary line at the moment when they announced to the world that there is a miracle cure for the disease COVID-19 and promoted its distribution. Of course, it was a hoax, even though one of the biggest leaders of the United States, former US President Donald Trump himself, stood up for the channel. Either way, YouTube issued a yellow card to the channel in the form of a one-week video ban. If the creators commit two more blunders, their child, especially popular with conservatives, will end up in the abyss of history.

TikTok lends a helping hand to epileptics. It will now alert them to dangerous videos

You probably know the feeling when you are browsing YouTube, Instagram or any other platform in peace and suddenly come across a video full of flashing images or very unpleasant sound. Creators on these established platforms usually warn about these effects in advance, however, in the case of TikTok, similar measures have somehow failed so far. The company therefore decided to always warn users in advance of similar creations and help them avoid unwanted reactions to these phenomena. Of course, we are talking about epileptics in particular, who may suffer from a more severe form and rapidly flashing images can cause them a potentially dangerous reaction.

In the event that users come across a similar video, they will receive an explicit warning and, above all, the possibility to skip the content to something more "moderate". However, this is not the only good thing about this new feature that fans will see in the coming weeks. TikTok will give epileptics the ability to skip all similar videos in the future, saving them not only the time spent clicking through and skipping similar content, but also the reaction that could happen to them if they watch carelessly. This is definitely a welcome step on the part of this technological giant, and we can only hope that others will soon be inspired.

Facebook overhauled its algorithm due to the US election

Although Facebook has been fighting disinformation for a long time, in principle there was no extra effort that would significantly prevent its spread. There was still an algorithm in place that recommended content to users according to their preferences and at the same time it was guided mainly by the community itself. If objectionable content was reported, the platform simply hid it out of sight. This is certainly respectable, however, if enough people believed the fake and unsubstantiated news, it would still appear in the foreground. Fortunately, however, the company came up with a solution that benefits everyone and above all will prevent similar eventualities in the future.

In particular, it is a quick reaction to the impulse of the American elections, which clearly showed the dark side of the platform and the imbalance of the news media. Facebook has thus decided to take a relatively drastic step, namely to unconditionally show primarily respected and trusted sources such as CNN, The New York Times and NPR. The new algorithm called News Ecosystem Quality, i.e. NEQ, will monitor the eligibility of individual media and, above all, their transparency. This is definitely a welcome change, which seems to be working and has rapidly reduced the impact of not only disinformation, but also potentially dangerous news from the workshop of extreme right-wing or left-wing extremists.
