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It's barely a few days since the Chinese company Xiaomi revealed the new Mimoji feature. She seems to have dropped Memoji from her eye. However, the company denied any inspiration from Apple. But today, when promoting the feature on its website, it mistakenly used an ad from Apple.

Not long ago, Xiaomi was nicknamed the Apple of China. The company is among the predatory smartphone manufacturers and is constantly growing. But the comparison with Apple has another side of the coin. The Chinese do not hesitate to copy anything.

A week ago Xiaomi has unveiled a brand new feature, which captures the user with the front camera and converts their image into an animated avatar. Besides, they will be an exclusive feature for the new Xiaomi Mi CC9 smartphone, which is headed for sale.

Does it all sound familiar? Definitely yes. Mimoji are a copy of Apple's Memoji, and a very striking one at that. However, Xiaomi issued a rather strong press release in which it defends and limits any accusations of copying. On the other hand, he really can't deny the "inspiration".

Xiaomi does not bother with anything, not even with the advertising campaign, which continues to promote the function and the new phone. An Apple ad was placed directly on Xiaomi's main web portal in the section devoted to Mimoji.

Xiaomi doesn't worry too much about copying and even borrowed Apple's entire advertisement for Memoji

Xiaomi may be copying, but the company is doing well

It was a clip on Apple Music Memoji, which was a variation on a song by the artist Khalid. The ad stayed on the Xiaomi Mi CC9 product page for quite a long time, so it was also noticed by users. After the media coverage, Xiaomi's PR department intervened and thoroughly "cleaned" the website and removed all traces. Afterwards, spokesperson Xu Jieyun stated that it was just a mistake and the staff uploaded the wrong clip to the website and now everything has been fixed.

Already in 2014, Jony Ive expressed doubts about the practices of the Chinese company. "It's ordinary theft," he commented on Xiaomi. In its early days, it copied absolutely everything, from the hardware to the appearance of the software. Now they are trying more for their own brand image, but there are still big missteps.

On the other hand, she is doing well economically. It already occupies fifth place in the list of manufacturers and has a reputation among users as a company that offers a good price-performance ratio.

Source: PhoneArena
