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Microsoft xCloud was launched in September 2020, and already last June the company announced that it was preparing a streaming dongle. Game streaming is on the rise because you don't need any powerful hardware for it, but you just need a stable fast internet connection. This dongle could make quite a splash in the market not only with consoles, but it would certainly affect Apple TV sales as well. 

It's quite difficult with consoles now. That is, at least in terms of how scarce they are on the market and how much demand there is for them. However, you don't even need to own a console to enjoy quality AAA games, as there are numerous streaming service games available. Just the affordable dongle would launch the company's streaming service on any TV, even a stupid one.

Apple Arcade and Apple TV 

In November 2020, Microsoft mentioned that it was preparing an application for smart TVs, but we don't have it here yet. But even if it did, a dongle would still make sense. Many see the future in game streaming, but not Apple. He actually only releases them on his macOS platform, because there is no way to cut them there, but on iOS you can only play via web interfaces, which is often more limiting than in the case of the application. There are no such problems on Android.

Apple has its Arcade game service, but it works on the old principles, where you have to install individual games on your device, and it only depends on their performance, how each title will go for you. To get Apple Arcade on your TV, you must have an Apple TV device. But Apple users don't want to be left behind and want to play the highest quality games, but Apple still prevents them in certain ways.

If the company does not change its strategy, it may deprive itself of significant funds that game players are willing to pay for similar services. Paradoxically, it can be against itself and users can leave it because of its limitations. Both from Apple Arcade and those who would eventually buy an Apple TV. 
