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Already 20. April 2021, i.e. tomorrow, specifically at 19:00, this year's first apple conference will take place. If you're an Apple lover, you probably already know this date entered in the calendar and you also have alarm clocks set. Currently, it is not possible to say exactly what the Californian giant could come up with at this conference. The most talked about is the new iPad Pro and AirTags, in addition to these products we could also expect, for example, Apple Pencil and Apple TV of the next generation, iMacs with Apple Silicon chips, AirPods 3rd generation or AirPods Pro 2nd generation - but definitely don't take our word for it .

When, where and how to watch tomorrow's Apple Event

Before each apple conference, we prepare instructions for you, with which you can find out how you can watch it. It won't be otherwise today either - specifically, in this article we will look at the complete procedure for watching tomorrow's Apple Event, which was named Spring Loaded. The entire procedure for watching conferences has recently become very simple, as Apple has also started streaming all its events on YouTube. Watching using YouTube thus appears to be the easiest, as this portal is available on virtually all devices. So whether you are going to watch the Apple Event from an iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, Windows computer or Android device, the procedure is the same - just go to this link. At the moment, on this link you can find the graphics of the conference with the date of the event, a few minutes before the start, the countdown will start and the live broadcast will begin.

spring loaded apple special event

Of course, you can still watch the Apple Event itself from Apple's official website, using this link. The live broadcast is of course in English, but like every year, we will also guide you through the entire conference through our Czech transcription. If by chance you don't have time during the conference and can't watch it, you don't have to worry about anything. We will inform you as quickly as possible about everything important before, during and after the conference. Thanks to this, you will have all the information in Czech and, most importantly, you will be able to return to it at any time. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, this conference will also be held online only, without physical participants. The conference will take place in the form of a pre-recorded video, most likely classically from Apple Park. We will be very happy if you decide to watch the Apple Event Spring Loaded with the Appleman!
