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The US Super Bowl is the most exciting advertising opportunity to be found in the US. After all, Apple's iconic "1984" ad was also broadcast during this event. This year's American Football Final saw many commercials, including a trailer for JJ Abrams' upcoming film Star Trek: Into Darkness. There would be nothing strange about it if the advertisement at the end of the trailer did not point to the address, where you can download the companion application.

Until now, Apple used the subdomain for App Store apps, but the digital distribution channel has apparently earned its own domain. In addition, a few days ago, Apple made available to developers the possibility to use their own shortened addresses, an example of which is the Star Trek application. A bad address, for example so it can now be shortened to, for example, StarTrekApp with the domain However, the domain itself will only ever take you to the App Store or iTunes.

[youtube id=6d-9rtz8rrw width=”600″ height=”350″]

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