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[youtube id=”qQcFtúbrno“ width=”620″ height=”360″]

The new Apple Watch already has its first owners in Australia, and other customers around the world will also receive a shipment of Apple watches in the next few hours. On the occasion of the launch of sales of the expected product, Apple immediately launched three new ads in which the capabilities of the Watch are demonstrated.

Titled "Rise," "Up," and "Us," the ads showcase the three core Watch functionalities previously described by Tim Cook: the watch as a device that tells time, as a device that cares about your health and measures your performance, and as a device for personal communication.

[youtube id=”a8GtyB3cees” width=”620″ height=”360″]

In the minute-long "Rise" spot, we see the Watch used as an alarm clock, a public transit ticket, a navigation device, a messaging device, and more. The "Up" ad shows the Apple Watch in action, tracking your steps, heart rate and helping you meet various goals. They also show you when you are sitting for too long. The latest "Us" ad shows different ways of communicating, from regular texting to smileys to heartbeats.

All three ads end with the same message "Watch are here".

[youtube id=”x4TbOiaEHpM” width=”620″ height=”360″]

Source: MacRumors