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Today, Apple revised its terms and conditions for app developers. They will have to implement a complete developer kit for iPhone X in their new products, which in practice means that every new application in the App Store should support both a frameless display and work with a cutout on the top of the display panel. With this step, Apple wants to unify all newly arriving applications in the App Store so that compatibility problems do not arise, both with regard to current products and future ones.

Most likely, Apple is slowly preparing to introduce its new iPhones in the fall. It has been rumored for a long time that this year we are expecting models that will offer frameless displays and a cut-out for Face ID. They will differ only in terms of hardware, from the point of view of the display they will be very similar (the only difference will be the size and the panel used). Apple has thus set a rule for all developers that all new applications that appear in the App Store from April must support the complete SDK for iPhone X and iOS 11, i.e. take into account the frameless display and the cutout in the screen.

If new applications do not take these parameters into account, they will not pass the approval process and will not appear in the App Store. Currently, this April deadline is known only for completely new applications, there is no fixed deadline for existing ones yet. However, Apple expressed itself in the sense that the developers of current applications are mainly targeting the iPhone X, the level of support for its display is therefore at a good level. If we get three new models with a "cutout" this year, developers will really have a lot of time to optimize their applications sufficiently.

Source: 9to5mac
