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Lately there has been a lot of talk about the GTD method - Getting Things Done, which helps people to be more productive, to manage their work and personal life. On April 27, the 1st conference on this method will take place in the Czech Republic, and Jablíčkař.cz invited one of the most famous to the interview. Lukáš Gregor, teacher, editor, blogger and also GTD lecturer.

Greetings, Lukas. Let's just say I've never heard of GTD. Can you tell us, as lay people, what this is about?

The Getting Things Done method is a tool that allows us to be much more productive. It is based on the fact that, despite the fact that the brain is a fascinating organ, it has certain limitations that we ourselves boycott (or are not aware of). For example, by flooding or rather weeding it for completely incomprehensible reasons. In such a state, it can hardly be used to its full potential during creative processes, when thinking, when learning, and it cannot even take a full rest. If we help our head from ballast (meaning: from things we don't really need to carry in our heads), we take the first step to being efficient.

And the GTD method offers guidance in just a few steps to get to that state of calmness and ability to focus. How to clear your head using snooze items into the so-called mailbox and how to organize all your projects and "tasks", whether personal or work-related, into a clear system.

Who is the method intended for, who can it help?

My mouth is watering that it fits for each, it has its drawbacks. If I look at it through the different types of jobs, those that essentially rely on acuteness and responding to the environment (for example firefighters, doctors, but also various technical support, people on the phones...) will only be able to use a fraction of the method, or simply they will use the method for their personal development, personal level. And it's also not a method for everyone because there are people who find any order, systematization horrifying, or simply paralyzing them even more than chaos.

And actually one more category – it is certainly not for those who fit all their troubles into the method with their own weak will, thinking that it will help them on its own, perhaps even to lead a happier life...

All other groups of people can start with GTD.

Are there any other similar methods? If so, how would you compare them to GTD?

There is a need to demystify GTD somewhat. Without delving into the history of productivity considerations, there have understandably been attempts to solve time management problems for a long time (yes, as far back as ancient Greece). Although GTD is not directly about this, it is also not some new miracle, a drug that David Allen would have invented out of the blue through frantic experiments in laboratory. The method contains more common sense than experimentation, I would even heretical dare to say that label method it harms her in some way, and I would emphasize just that aspect tools a logical sequence of steps, which can help.

I'm just suggesting that there are certainly similar ones methods, approaches that talk about how best to sort out your "obligations", some have such methods without reading them from anywhere, they just think of it. (Incidentally, women lead in this direction.) But if I were to find someone else outright tool, which directly applies to GTD, it would certainly be the ZTD method (Zen To Done, translated as Zen and done here). It is a suitable solution if a person has already smelled GTD and started to solve the problem of prioritizing tasks, because Leo Babauta combined GTD with Stephen Covey's approach and formulated everything in such a way that it was simple. Or a suitable solution if he doesn't want to solve GTD, he doesn't even want to read Covey, he is more of a freelancer, a minimalist being.

So what is the first step on the way to GTD if I realize that I want to do something with my time and tasks?

I always recommend beginners to do at least two, three hours often for complete peace of mind. Play some nice music, maybe open a bottle of wine. Take a sheet of paper and write them all on it, either in bullet points or using a mind map projects, on which they are currently working. Get the most out of your head. Perhaps the so-called areas of interest (= roles) that I like to use, for example employee, husband, father, athlete... and individual projects or groups/to-do lists, will also help.

Why all this? After all, once you get these basics out of your head, you'll be able to start practicing GTD. Start procrastinating, record the incoming stimulus and then assign it to the project you have already marked when sorting.

But the question also included do something with your time. In this direction, GTD is not quite the most suitable, or she creates the background, the foundation, but it's not about planning. Here I would recommend picking up a book The most important thing first, or simply to stop, take a breath and think about where I am right now, where I want to go, what I am doing for it... It is rather for another debate, but GTD will allow a person to stop and take a breath.

What do I need to use GTD? Do I need to buy any tools? What would you recommend?

Of course, the method is primarily about proper habits, but I would not underestimate the choice of tool, because it also affects how well we will manage to live with the method. Especially in the beginning, when you are just building up your confidence in the method, a good tool is very important. I could recommend some specialized application, but I would be more careful. For beginners, I have had a good experience with Wunderlist, which is more of a sophisticated "to-do list", but some procedures can already be tried and learned on it.

But some people are much more comfortable with a paper solution, which has its charm, but also its limits, it is definitely not as flexible when searching and filtering tasks.

Why does the method have more software applications for Apple than for Windows? Does this fact manifest itself in any way among those interested in the method?

The offer for Windows is not small, but it is mostly tools that exist rather than being used. The prevalence of GTD applications for the Apple platform can also be derived from the groups that work with the method - quite often they are freelancers or people from the IT field. And if we enter the corporate world, it is possible to use Outlook directly for GTD.

Is there a difference between using GTD for students, IT managers, stay-at-home moms or even seniors?

Not in principle. Only the projects will be different, for some, a more detailed division into individual steps will prevail, while for others, work with routines will prevail. This is precisely the strength of GTD, its universality.

What makes the GTD method so unique that it is gaining new and new fans?

I am partially answering this across previous responses to questions. GTD is based on common sense, respects the functioning (and limitations) of the brain, represents a procedure for organizing things, and this does not have to be only tasks, but also the layout of the office or things in the workshop. It is universal and can definitely help soon after its implantation, which I see as a great advantage. The results are tangible and immediate, which is what one needs. In addition, you can start working with it even during the press period. If you were intending to start thinking about your mission, it would be really quite difficult in a bunch of burning deadlines.

I would just be careful with that word unique, I rather take it as her strengths. Whether it is unique, I will leave that to those who are interested. It suits me that GTD just came my way when I needed it, helped me, and that's why I spread it further.

What does GTD look like outside the Czech Republic? How is it in the country of its origin, the USA?

All I can say is that the prevalence and awareness seems to be greater in the west than here. But I don't particularly follow it, I don't really have much reason to. For me, my own experience and the experience of those who contact me, who read the site, are important, or who go through my trainings. I read and browse specialized blogs from abroad, but mapping the state of GTD in the world is an area that is beyond my needs at the moment.

Conversely, what is the community of GTD fans like in the Czech Republic?

I found myself living in a somewhat warped reality. Surrounded by a number of GTD users, I got the impression for a while that it was something so familiar after all! But hey, the vast majority of the world around me has never heard of GTD and at best can only use the word time management.

And then there's also a strange group of people who think that GTD is being made into a religion, but I don't really know where that feeling comes from. Because someone using it is sharing their experience or looking for tips and advice from others?

The extent of the community of GTD fans in the Czech Republic cannot be overestimated. 376 respondents answered a specialized questionnaire, which was created as part of a diploma thesis, which pleasantly surprised us. The Mítvš website is visited by approximately 12 thousand individuals per week, but the website has conceptually expanded to include other areas of personal development, so this number cannot be taken as an answer to the interest in GTD in the Czech Republic.

You participate in the organization 1st GTD conference here. Why was the conference created?

I perceive mostly two basic motivational impulses for conferences: a) to enable the given community to meet, to enrich each other, b) to attract the unmarked, people outside that circle and broaden their field of vision with something, perhaps even educate them...

Can a beginner or a complete layman about GTD come to the conference? Won't he feel lost there?

On the contrary, I believe that this conference was happy to welcome beginners or the uninitiated. Our aim is not to - as some accuse us - of strengthening cult of GTD, but to talk about productivity and efficiency, find ways to get things in order, balance work and personal life, etc. And for this, the vision of those who have never heard of any methods or are still looking for them is needed. By the way - I'm still a seeker too, although I train GTD.

Try to lure our readers to the conference. Why should they visit her?

My intuition tells me that everything will be carried out in a very pleasant atmosphere. The environment is beautiful, the team of people who organize it are humanly close to me, the invited speakers and guests are of high quality, they say there should be excellent refreshments and food... Well, I think it will simply be an excellent day!

What would you say to people who can't keep up with their tasks in their working life and would like a little order in their private life as well?

The alpha and omega is the realization of the preciousness of the gift we have received and that we continue to receive, with each awakening to a new day. That we are, that we live. We live in a certain space and in a certain time. And precisely that time is a quantity with so many unknowns that we should watch it much more. We can save money, we can also borrow it from someone, time simply passes, regardless of how much we think about it. It would be great if we were grateful for him and appreciated him. Only then can organizing and planning make sense and be truly effective.

If you would like to learn more about the GTD method, you can come and see the 1st GTD conference in the Czech Republic with a whole host of the best speakers and lecturers in the field of this method. The conference website and the possibility of registration can be found below by this link.

Lukas, thank you for the interview.
