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Yesterday I informed you about the upcoming release the original iPhone game Edge, but I had no idea that this game would appear on the App Store today. If you're planning to buy Edge, spend $5.99 and you're in for a treat 26 original levels.

If you are afraid of the control with the help of the accelerometer, then do not be afraid, it is also possible to choose finger control. The game looks amazingly smooth and all the levels have an effect on you amazingly interactive. After completing each level you will be graded on how well you did. The game seems a little strange at first, but after a while you will get used to the controls and fall in love with the game. I just miss the option to calibrate the accelerometer here.

Edge will definitely not disappoint you, except for one thing. The game is fine you will finish in about 2 hours, so you have to consider if it's worth the $6 or if you'd rather wait for some sale offer on the Appstore. On the other hand every round is different and thanks to the rating system, there is also some motivation to play the game again from the beginning!

[xrr rating=4/5 label=”Apple Rating”]
