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If you're a fan of installing software updates immediately, get smarter. This evening, Apple released public versions of its long-tested systems iOS 15.3, iPadOS 15.3, watchOS 8.4 and macOS 12.2. And since, according to the official description, it only brings bug fixes, feel free to install them with all your might. 

iOS 15.3 news

  • iOS 15.3 includes bug fixes and important security updates for your iPhone. This update is recommended for all users.

For information about security included in Apple software updates, visit the following website:

iPadOS 15.3 news

  • iPadOS 15.3 includes bug fixes and important security updates for your iPad. This update is recommended for all users.

For information about security included in Apple software updates, visit the following website:

watchOS 8.4 news

watchOS 8.4 includes bug fixes and important security updates, including:

  • Some chargers may not have worked as expected

For information about security features included in Apple software updates, visit the following website:

macOS 12.2 news

  • macOS 12.2 includes bug fixes and important security updates for your Mac. This update is recommended for all users.
  • There have been bug fixes in Safari and improved scrolling rendering on ProMotion displays.

For information about security features included in Apple software updates, visit the following website:
