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Documents Steve JobsThe Man in the Machine, which premiered at this year's SXSW (South by Southwest) group of music and film festivals, has appeared on some online movie services, iTunes without exception (unfortunately not in Czech iTunes). The film tries to capture both the bright and dark sides of the Apple founder, which of course provokes conflicting reactions.

“An inaccurate and deliberately petty view of my friend. This is not the image of the Steve I knew,” expressed with Eddy Cue, Apple's head of internet applications and services. However, according to the author of the documentary, some of the former members of the executive board find the film to be accurate. As is often the case, the truth is probably somewhere in between.

[youtube id=”jhWKxtsYrJE” width=”620″ height=”350″]

The two-hour documentary features interviews with people who worked with or were close to Steve. It is definitely not a biography, but rather a kind of package of topics, thanks to which it is possible to gain an insight into Jobs' personality, be it positive or negative qualities.

Topics include, for example, the so-called Blue Boxes (a device that illegally allowed anyone to call for free), the first Macintosh, the search for a mentor, daughter Lisa, returning to Apple, iMac, iPod, iPhone, but also conditions in Chinese factories, the case of the iPhone 4 left at the bar , suspicious stock purchases or (non)payment of taxes thanks to branches in Ireland.

Personally, I have mixed feelings about the documentary, but I definitely recommend it. No one is perfect, which of course was also true of Steve Jobs. Rather, some passages seemed irrelevant to Jobs - for example, the suicides at the Foxconn factory or the disparity between the salary of a Chinese worker and the margin on one iPhone sold. Anyway, check out the doc and make up your own mind. We will be glad if you share your impressions.
